IL-2 Day One

April 30, 2012 · 4 comments

IL-2 Day One

Mike and I dropped off the boys at school and came right to the hospital. Down in the basement (which always makes me laugh, but the reasons are good – you wouldn’t want radiology and MRIs on the main floor!) I was called back fairly quickly, had my procedure explained and then they got right to it. It was nice to be early for a change. Of course, it didn’t help me get admitted any faster…

The central line in my neck was uncomfortable, but not painful. The worst part was the pinch and burn of the numbing drugs. 10 minutes later, I was told I could get dressed and go up to admitting. The nurse at that point had the sense of humor of a snail and was very serious about warning us not to leave the hospital and to never wander around aimlessly. Oy. Luckily that was our last interaction with her!

Admitting had no room for me, so we set out to wait. We had lunch, we napped, we wandered the halls, we waited. And then we waited more. Finally, at almost 3, we were sent upstairs. Sadly, no private room for me, BUT the person that was here left and what arrived was a beautiful 18 year who is on her 6th round of chemo for lymphoma and is laughing and living her life. She’s inspiring and I’m glad they chose my room for her to be in!

My first dose of the IL-2 was fine….for about an hour and a half…then I was struck with a terrible migraine and major chills. A couple of meds, warm blankets and a nap later, I was feeling better.

My blood pressure is holding steady, and my nausea is controlled (in part, thanks to my trusty stash of mini saltines!)

My next round is scheduled for midnight, with pre-meds at 10:30. Hoping the next dose goes as well as this one did, instead of worse. FINGERS CROSSED.

They’re pumping fluids into me and Dr. L warned me that I will balloon up a bit this week. FUN! 😉 Seriously, if that is the worst, I will take it!!

Stay tuned for more adventures from Room 125!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

PrincessJenn April 30, 2012 at 9:08 pm

Sending good thoughts and love your way!


Annettek April 30, 2012 at 10:02 pm

They put the central line in your neck?? Eek. I hope the week goes smoothly and you don’t have too many side effects.


Nanette May 1, 2012 at 2:05 am

I’m so sorry for all that you’ve having to endure. Sending lots of healthy vibes your way.



Sarah May 2, 2012 at 12:59 am

The central line in your neck would be the grossest part for me … *shudders* … even thinking about them doing that to a friend of mine makes me all squicky inside.

I’m so glad that your positive attitude has rubbed off on me – I’m feeling better about my own bed-rest and boredom issues after talking about it tonight. You are an inspiration, truly!



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