Tuesday in list form

April 7, 2009 · 3 comments

First and foremost, please send your thoughts and prayers out to Maddie and her mama and daddy tonight…Maddie is in the hospital and had to be intubated…PLEASE go here and read about sweet little Maddie. And then, while you’re thinking about it, DONATE to the March of Dimes in Maddie’s name. (I did!)


  • Matt’s been having these major meltdowns lately, right around dinner time.  Tonight he got put in a time out, then taken to his room, then had video games and books taken away. After another round of him screaming that his dad was being “mean” to him, I went and had a little chat with him. I took the time and explained all those things we do as parents: how he gets a time out so he gets a chance to think and slow down; how we do it to make it better for all of us, why I like us to sit down and have dinner together… He finally acquiesced; finally accepted that we weren’t being mean to him for spite.  The worst part? As soon as I told him we would never do anything intentionally mean to him I couldn’t help but think of all those poor children who have parents who are mean to them; how horrible things happen to little kids and how I hope that I never have to explain or tell him about those mean things and those kids who have parents that don’t give time outs.
  • (Quite a jump from time outs to child abuse, eh? Sorry, what a mood I’m in!)
  • I went to the dentist today to have a tooth filled.  I hate going to the dentist. Hate with the power of a thousand fiery suns.  But it wasn’t too bad.  I mean, yes, it totally sucked and being numbed up just annoys the crap out of me, but the new dentist has a very light and gentle touch and was honestly concerned about my feelings {probably because I look like I’m in terrible discomfort and am as stiff as a freaking board in that chair!}.
  • While I was there, I got a referral to an oral surgeon – turns out I’m not nuts – where my wisdom tooth was removed, there is something poking through the skin now! It’s one of three things: a bone fragment, a bone cyst, or something else.  So the oral dude will do a panoramic x-ray so he can see what it is (and then, probably cut me open, GAH!!)
  • Preston is going to start potty-training. SOON.  I’m trying to prep him, but I think he’s going to fight me still.  I’m not above bribing him as much as possible to get this done.  I am SO sick of diapers.  I’m pretty sure he knows when he has to go…guess we’ll find out soon enough!
  • Workers were protesting outside our local Wal-Fart today…apparently the new addition is being built by non-union people.  They were passing out fliers at the driveways to get people to avoid shopping there. I took one as I drove to Walgreens next door, letting them know that I certainly would never shop there now! hehe. (That’s funny because I absolutely refuse to shop there any day!)
  • ABSCONDER – that’s kind of a cool word.
  • I was supposed to do a bunch of work tonight at home since I left work early. But my head hurt from keeping my mouth open so long at the dentist and once the boys went to bed, I was totally out of the zone. So instead I’m writing this useless post.  Are you still here?

Huh. I think I had a lot more in mind to write about when I opened my laptop. Instead, I came up with the above half-assed list of nothingness. Think I’d better quit while I’m ahead!

Please don’t forget to send out good vibes for little Maddie and make a donation to March of Dimes!!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

cindy w April 7, 2009 at 10:50 pm

Hee. “Oral dude” made me giggle inappropriately.

We’re going to start potty-training here pretty soon too. I’m a little scared.

cindy ws last blog post..prayers for Maddie


flutter April 7, 2009 at 11:04 pm

oral dude made me laugh, too!

flutters last blog post..because if I’m not writing on my blog, someone should be


Emily R April 12, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Z likes to say “you hurt me!” whenever he gets hurt, even if no one is nearby. it makes me so nervous that people will believe it.

Emily Rs last blog post..And I didn’t have to lift my shirt except to feed the baby


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