And the mom of the year award goes to….

October 25, 2007 · 10 comments


The boys and I are old pros at shopping – we literally go at least once a week; usually more. Between the boys, the pets, the house and the office, we always seem to need something. Today was no different. To Joann for some crafty stuff and then to Target for Halloween candy, to check out decorations and get socks (strange list, I know).

Target was where I almost had my heart attack. I am pretty sure I was about 20 seconds away from having someone in a red shirt call 911. The boys were checking out the Halloween decorations and pumpkins and Christmas light display (I know!) and I was talking to them and picking out some candy for giving away and for Matt’s school party. The boys started running up and down the aisle, and then to the next and back around. I warned them twice to stay nearby. Then I looked down at a bag of candy. A freaking bag of candy. And looked up seconds later. They were gone.

At first I didn’t panic. Heck, I wasn’t even worried. They were in the next aisle and a quick yell to them and they would be sprinting back to me. Right? So I yelled. No answer. I yelled again as I started walking faster. Still no answer. I went down a couple of aisles. Surely they were right around the corner… Nope. Then I started to panic. And run with my cart, yelling for them. Up one aisle, down the next, as fast as my little feet could carry me (with my cart, for some reason). Finally, a lady in one of the aisles asks if I’m looking for my boys. I skid to a stop. Yes, have you seen them? She tells me they made an announcement – a Matthew and a “something” Alexander are up front. I said thanks over my shoulder, and sprinted to the front, barely missing a woman and her cart (see, that’s why you don’t park in the middle of the flipping aisle!).

My boys were sitting together at the end of a checkout stand, chatting with an employee. They saw me coming and were happy to see me. I think it was at that point that I started breathing again and starting shaking. I got their little hands in mine and the first thing I said?

“What did I tell you guys about staying by me and the cart?!!!”

And then I walked them away from the cashiers and patrons, many of whom were probably smiling in sympathy, and hugged them as hard as I could.

And then I calmly explained to them that their behavior was completely unacceptable and that they scared me very badly. Preston kept hugging me, but Matt – he took one look at my face when I repeated that he had scared me and that I had been racing up and down aisles searching for them – and he started to cry.

But then? He said the one thing that could make me smile on the inside (not on the outside, not yet).

“It was Preston’s idea!”

I explained to him that I knew better than that; that his brother does whatever he does. But I was glad they at least stuck together.

Thus ended our Target shopping experience today.

Apparently, I’m not the only one up for mommy of the year!. A freebie from God indeed.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

flutter October 25, 2007 at 1:42 pm

OY! That would have scared the crap outta me!


Shine October 25, 2007 at 3:18 pm

Scary indeed! I\'ve lost sight of Pumpkin pie at times too. Don\'t beat yourself up, we are only human. Remember, I\'m the one that let my kid fall of the changing table! Mommy of the year awards all around!!


flutter October 25, 2007 at 8:42 pm

OY! That would have scared the crap outta me!


Shine October 25, 2007 at 10:18 pm

Scary indeed! I’ve lost sight of Pumpkin pie at times too. Don’t beat yourself up, we are only human. Remember, I’m the one that let my kid fall of the changing table! Mommy of the year awards all around!!


Annie October 26, 2007 at 3:53 am

YIKES! What is it about Target anyway? My daughter ran away from me in there, too – she didn\'t get far though.

They sure do keep us on our toes.

I still feel TERRIBLE about our incident this week – terrible 🙁


Annie October 26, 2007 at 10:53 am

YIKES! What is it about Target anyway? My daughter ran away from me in there, too – she didn’t get far though.

They sure do keep us on our toes.

I still feel TERRIBLE about our incident this week – terrible 🙁


slackermommy October 26, 2007 at 3:57 pm

Is that not the worst feeling ever?

I have now officially lost all 4 of my kids over the years. Thank God I found them.


slackermommy October 26, 2007 at 10:57 pm

Is that not the worst feeling ever?

I have now officially lost all 4 of my kids over the years. Thank God I found them.


Heidi October 28, 2007 at 10:32 pm

Oh, I would be terrified as well. Have been, in fact. On a couple of occasions.

Short of using a leash, what can you do?



Heidi October 29, 2007 at 4:32 am

Oh, I would be terrified as well. Have been, in fact. On a couple of occasions.

Short of using a leash, what can you do?



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