


I was diagnosed with Melanoma (skin cancer) in July of 2009.  I wrote about my experiences here, but I wanted to put it all in one spot as well, so I started Defying Melanoma.  Feel free to search here for those posts (tagged with melanoma, cancer, etc) or  visit my other website, Defying Melanoma, to read my experience with melanoma, my treatments, and find a list of resources.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a comment here, there or email me at

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Maddie Becka January 24, 2014 at 11:59 pm

Jason Vale has helped over 40,000 people with all types of cancers through his website:

My nephew’s malignant melanoma shrunk to half its size in the first 3 weeks of eating the apricot kernels.

Maddie Becka 801-690-4531


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