Pre-Op #2

September 14, 2009 · 5 comments

I had my (second) pre-op appointment this morning, and OH! What fun! (<—sarcasm). I got there early, the PA was running late, the nurse was really running late. The PA kind of freaked me out with all of his looking me directly in the eyes stuff and not blinking, but he went through my consent form, gave me a ‘physical’ (hey, turns out I’m breathing AND I have a pulse!).  Then the nurse came in and I thought she was going to be able to answer my forty gazillion questions like the nurse I had last time. Um, that would be a NO. Other than teaching me how to take care of my tube and collection bulb* (gag), she was pretty much useless.

*Did I tell you that after this surgery I have to leave with a drainage tube sticking out of me that I have to empty 3x a day? And that I have to ‘strip’ the tube and clean around the insertion point as well? GUH-ROSSS!! And did I mention that the tube stays in until I have less than 30cc of fluid for 2 days in a row? Yeah.

Mike and I have a lot of questions that we want actual, exact answers to.  Here is a sample (and in italics and parentheses, the answers we’ve been given).

  1. How long will I have the drainage tube in? (*1-3 weeks.  * about 2 weeks  *about 3 weeks  *no longer than 4 weeks. *It varies.)
  2. How long until I’m able to be up and around? (*Flat on your back for 2 weeks, except bathroom. *On your back for one week, up limited in week two, good to go by 3 weeks out. *Up using crutches after 2 weeks, no driving until tube out. *It varies.)
  3. Will I be admitted to the hospital (and) Is this out-patient or an overnight stay? (*You’ll be in for 23 hrs, not technically admitted, just under observation. *You’ll stay for a few hours after surgery.  *You may or may not be there overnight. *How long you’re here depends on how your recovery progresses. *It varies.)
  4. How big will the incision be? (*8-10 inches. – Huh, that’s the only one we got!)
  5. When will I start my interferon treatments? (*Once you meet with the medical oncologist. *1.5 weeks after the tube comes out. *after we receive your node pathology results)

Did anyone else notice that there are no actual answers?!  I seek comfort in schedules; I NEED to know what is going on and WHEN.

Not to mention, Mike is trying to schedule time off from work to take care of me and the boys, but there’s no reason for him to take 8 weeks in a row off if he needs to be home for 4 and then not need to be home for a couple weeks and then back off again!!

I’m having my stitches out on Wednesday – maybe the melanoma clinic nurses can give me some better answers and perhaps, if I’m lucky, they can get me scheduled for the med. onc. before I leave!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

liv September 14, 2009 at 10:04 pm

a wonderful friend and yoga mentor says this every morning:

“Today I will make no decisions by myself. I will make no decisions by myself because it is no longer intelligent to do so. Instead, I will make all my decisions in silent counsel with the Infinite.”

now, i tell you that this is nothing that you will do alone. we have your back, sister.
.-= liv´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..coming around again… =-.


slouchy September 14, 2009 at 10:06 pm

i will be thinking of you every step of the way. like liv, i’ve got your back.
.-= slouchy´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..The Formative Days =-.


Kat September 14, 2009 at 10:17 pm

What Liv and Slouchy said.

When my friend was here a week or so ago, she said it sounds like you have the same type of melanoma she had. She said you are totally welcome to call her if you want to talk, ask questions…she’s been where you are. I have her number so just say the word.

Thinking about you every day.
.-= Kat´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..8 Years Ago Today =-.


Mad September 14, 2009 at 10:18 pm

So sorry you are going through all of this. The cancer and the uncertainty. Thinking of you.
.-= Mad´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Vacation, all I ever wanted… =-.


Audrey at Barking Mad September 14, 2009 at 10:34 pm

Liv is absolutely right!

Your back…got it! All the way.

Will be sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way!

.-= Audrey at Barking Mad´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..It’s Time to Take a Stand and Demand Some Answers! =-.


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