NOW I’m getting stressed(*edited)

August 30, 2008 · 4 comments

The doctor that works for me has been out for the past week due to a “family emergency”.  My dad has been kind enough to fill in for a couple of those days, the remainder of our patients were rescheduled – most of whom were fine with it.

He called last night and said he’s not sure if he will back on Tuesday.  It was suggested to him that he take another week (or 2!!) off.

That can’t happen.  Seriously. Cannot. Happen.

There’s a fine line between understanding what is going on and saying “take all the time you need” and actually meaning it.

These are the times when I don’t like being the owner.  These are the days that I wish I worked for someone else and didn’t have to worry about losing patients and freaking out my staff and panicking about cash flow.

He’s going to call me Sunday night and we’ll go from there.  In the meantime, I think I have my dad on standby for Tuesday at least (thank God – or whoever deemed Monday a holiday) that it’s Labor Day on Monday.

The neighbors are having a end of summer party today, so I’m going to do my best to shove my office to the back of my brain and have some fun.  I can worry tomorrow night, right??

Fingers crossed that all will be well enough to have him back on Tuesday.  And toes  – toes crossed, too. :shock:

(*Edited to add this: I know exactly why he is out – it’s not like he’s keeping a secret from me.  More than anything, all he really wants to do is come work.  I just need him to be physically and mentally able to do that.  I’m torn between respecting his privacy and just telling you guys what is up so you can commiserate with me…after I talk to him tonight, I’ll let you know what I decide. :razz:)

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

J.J. August 30, 2008 at 8:39 am

That sucks. I hope things work out. I really like your doctor. However, he HAS to realize that he’s, like, the ONLY doctor in the place (besides your happily retired Dad). He needs to have some consideration for that….


pgoodness August 30, 2008 at 10:43 am

@J.J.: The “family emergency” quotes were mine – he WANTS to come back, desperately, but it’s a matter of being able to…


catnip August 30, 2008 at 11:21 am

Ouch. I can’t even imagine trying to reschedule two weeks worth of patients. (I used to be a medical receptionist – so really, I can imagine it!) Plus no income if patients aren’t being seen. Are there specialized temp agencies for doctors?

catnips last blog fragile we are, part 2


flutter August 30, 2008 at 7:56 pm

maybe it’s time to start putting out feelers for a new doc…

flutters last blog post..I don’t really know


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