Not looking good…

April 16, 2007 · 0 comments

Well, a vicious cycle has begun with Matt.  He took a nap yesterday.  :(   For those of you with non-nappers, you know that a nap spells certain death for any kind of “routine” you might have.  Not to mention, with my kids, huge mood swings, crankiness combined with happiness, lethargy followed by sprinting around the house, crying with laughing.

The cycle starts with a nap during the day, is followed by staying up until midnight, and continues the cycle with getting up waaaay too early.  The cycle often ends with another nap. Bad news.

Today started at about 7:15 – M was happy, silly, excited to go downstairs and play.  I suggested he relax for a while and try to fall back to sleep. (Yeah, right!) But at least he was happy and silly for a couple of hours.

Now is another story.  He’s absolutely having a HUGE meltdown about putting on his underwear.  My tricks of the past few days are not getting through to him at all.  We have finally compromised with underwear at noon.  <sigh> I’m sure that’s probably the wrong way to go, but I know he’s on the edge being so tired and all.  And cranky.  With any luck he’ll fall asleep really soon and then we can spend the afternoon outside tiring him out!  MUST. BREAK. CYCLE.

The weather might actually be breaking, finally!  In the 50s today and warming through the week with a decent amount of sun for the first time in forever!!  Of course it takes ALL day to get that warm and then it starts dropping right away again, but I’m still satisfied that Spring is on its way (still).

I went ahead and canceled my original wisdom tooth appointment.  I didn’t have a babysitter, so it wasn’t going to happen anyway.  Now I just have to decide when I want to get it done and where.   😕

Preston is starting to talk a lot more this past week. He’s been saying a lot of words for quite a while, but lately he’s answering questions correctly and seems to be trying harder to communicate with us.  It’s cool to watch him learn and see how things work and understand what words mean.  Very cool.   :mrgreen:

I went for a bike ride yesterday.  Mike went for one, so I was inspired to do the same.  Unfortunately I misunderstood him and I ended up riding INTO THE WIND GUSTS for 1/2 of my ride.  I went 9 miles in about 56 minutes – not a great time, but on the other hand it has been a year since I’ve really ridden my bike and it was 10-20 mph gusts of wind from the north!!  I feel pretty good today, too.  My legs are a little sore, but not too bad at all.  I’m excited about being able to bike more this year.  Once I get the new trailer I want I’ll be taking the boys with me more, too.

I did get the garage cleaned out yesterday, too!!  It is SO nice to be able to walk out there without tripping over fifty gazillion things!  And there is a place for everything.  Sadly, I have 4 giant black garbage bags of bottles and cans to take back to the store, but at least they aren’t keeping us from opening the side door anymore!!  My next project is our little pathway to the play area.  I need pea gavel and a couple more stones and some border and it will be complete!  Then the lattice work under the deck, fixing the pee-dead grass, and hopefully getting a fence sometime this summer!  And if it gets warm ever, flowers!!

I guess there was one good thing about Matt getting up so early today: I was able to pay some work bills, catch up on some other work stuff and get some other little things accomplished.  Now I want to crash on the couch, but that’ll never happen!  I guess I need to get moving otherwise we’ll waste this lovely day inside…

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