IL-2 part two

May 20, 2012 · 1 comment

I was sent home on Friday morning again, after a horrible week of IL-2.

Actually, I don’t remember much of the week…I begged let them drug me up pretty well because of the constant sickness.  I remember seeing the boys and them having to leave because I was entering chill mode; I remember Shine bringing me a Slurpee like the awesome friend she is, and I remember my mom and brother coming. And then my mom and mil came and spent the night.  Pretty sure I thought I was done for at that point.

Anyway, it sucked. I was able to get 6 more treatments, which made Dr. L happy.  (Pretty sure I told him I didn’t like him very much at one point as well) and at the end of June I’ll have another PET scan to see what kind of progress was made (there had to have been some, because I’ll be damned if I went through that for nothing!) There are many variables that will determine what the next plan of action is, so in the meantime, I’m going to heal and rest and enjoy not being in the hospital.

It’s kind of hard to be home because I seem all better, but I’m not – I mean, this time I feel a lot better than the last recovery week (turns out I probably had the flu last time) – but there are still so many little things that add up to be so very annoying. Just for fun…mouth sores, sore throat, crazy cough, reflux with the only symptom being the feeling that something is stuck in my throat, itchy skin everywhere, super dry skin around eyes, dry mouth, swelling, appetite changes, exhaustion…well, you get the idea.  The IL2 is still in me, so as it works its way out, these symptoms will fade. But in the meantime, GAH! And UGH! 😉

I so very much just want to be better for my boys. I know they’re tired of seeing me sick all the time and I don’t blame them. I literally went from supermom to bedmom within days and I know it’s hard on them. It’s hard on me too.  It’s hard not to get so very angry at so many things right now.

But it won’t help, so I’m focusing on breathing and healing and (scratching…oh my goodness the scratching…) and getting through this.


PS: A friend of mine posted this on Facebook – take a few minutes and watch it – then share it.

 Dear 16 Year Old Me

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Jett May 20, 2012 at 11:14 am

I’m so happy you get to be at home.
This is such a gigantic thing that you’re doing, so big.

Here’s to great news in June!


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