Missing Something

May 30, 2011 · 3 comments

{Cross-posted @ Defying Melanoma}

One of my favorite things of all time – my whole life as long as I can remember – is laying in the sun. Since I was adopted, I’ll never know how much of my melanoma was caused by genetics and how much by that big yellow ball in the sky, not that it really matters.

Today, the boys were outside playing in the little pool next door with the neighbor kids.  We had a tent thing set up to keep the sun to a minimum and keep the adults in the shade.  I, of course, was slathered up with sunscreen and had a hat on.

At one point, I flopped backward on the beach towel I was sitting on and closed my eyes.

I was pretending to be laying in the sun.

How ridiculous is that?

For that brief moment in time, I was fully relaxed, imagining a life before melanoma.

I opened my eyes to the green of the tent instead of the blinding blue of the sky and sun.

I came inside, still pale.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Shine June 6, 2011 at 12:48 am

So not dumb at all my friend. I’m so thankful you’re still here to live your life and share your life with me that I’ll take you pale any day!! Though your melanoma is no comparison to my sugar/starch addiction, I dream regularly of coke, candy, ice cream and pizza…the likes of which I have not had in two months- how dumb is that?? 😉


Bon June 6, 2011 at 12:58 pm

i am late…but i agree, not dumb.

we long for things that make us feel a particular way…free, or relaxed, or safe, or whatever. sugar, sun, it matters not.

if lying back in the tent makes you feel that, flop away. and be safe. 🙂


Dawn June 6, 2011 at 10:45 pm

Never too late. Thanks 🙂


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