Less Pink

February 18, 2010 · 1 comment

I had my follow-up appointment with my surgeon today. (well, first I had a visit with another doctor and a med student, but he was pleasant and had a wicked cool accent – and he was young, so he was concerned for my modesty – HAHA!).

Anyway.. Dr. C. checked me out, asked how I was doing, poked and prodded – the usual.  I don’t have many complaints – you know, aside from the numbness, tingling, electrical pulses, general pain that comes and goes – but they were more concerned with my scars. Oddly, they don’t bother me.  The boys ask how my scars are here and there; they’re calming down and smoothing out as the days pass (the scars, not the boys, hehe).

Dr. C. really took his time to let me know that they would continue to fade and be less pink and more skin tone as time passes.  Which is fine, don’t get me wrong, but scars have never bothered me.  I have scars on my knees, my hands, assorted other places and they’ve never bothered me; these are no different, even though they are big. I’m much more bothered by the sudden breath-taking pain and electrical pulses running through my leg; the numb areas that seem to still itch.  None of which is concerning to Dr. C. That will go away, and hopefully all of the numbness will go away within 18 months of the surgery.

I left the Cancer Center feeling pretty good. I know what to watch for, I know I need to wear my stocking when I’m going to over-do it, I know that the twinges mean I’m healing.  I know that I am lucky every day – and those scars? Well, they remind me of that.

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liv February 18, 2010 at 10:44 pm

still…those weird stabby electrical impulses do make you pause! i can tell you that (wowza!) 15 years after the fact, my scars are silvery white and barely noticeable to any guy who stares at my bewbs…

shoot. that didn’t come out right. i mean, they were probably that way at least 10 years ago. but, there is an odd little phantom stab every now and then!

.-= liv´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Protected: family. =-.


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