Checking In

October 10, 2009 · 1 comment

Hi all.

Things are moving along well with my recovery…I’m getting around better and am down to using one crutch most of the time to hobble around the house.  I am doing so well with keeping my leg elevated, I haven’t had any swelling at all, which is awesome.  I still have very numb areas and very tingly / pins and needles areas, but it’s not too bad.  I definitely know when I’ve over done it…like the other day I went into my office to make an appearance and today when I went to the boys’ soccer game…I came home and crashed out.  Not ever having been much of a nap taker before, it’s kind of funny to suddenly wake up to find a bunch of time has passed! I’m still coughing up my lungs, thanks to the lovely cold Matt brought home from school that I thought I had effectively fought pre-surgery.

Preston has been having a hard time with me being home; with me being on the couch. I’ve been making a concentrated effort to get off the couch and on the chair, or walk around with him around.  He stayed home twice this week…I think he just feels like he needs to be home with me and Mike. I hate that, by the way.  I despise that he worries about me, it makes me horribly sad.

Anyway, I’m recovering well and the outpouring of support, from friends and strangers alike has been amazing. Tuesday is the big medical oncologist doctor visit day, so I’ll keep you updated.  Then I get my staples removed on Friday (yum!).

Thanks for taking the ride with me…having you with me sure helps. 🙂

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Audrey at Barking Mad! October 13, 2009 at 3:48 pm

I’m here for the ride! I might be a tad late to it, but I’m here! Even if I have to run behind the car, like the fat kid I am, yelling – “Hey guys, wait up! I’m here! Wait up!” then that’s what I’ll do!
.-= Audrey at Barking Mad!´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Zombies Ate My Brain =-.


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