
September 1, 2009 · 4 comments

As I write this, Preston is walking around with my DSLR taking (what I am sure are) blurry, silly pictures. Today is his birthday. Four years ago, we walked into the hospital at our appointed time and waited for Dr. M to finish his lunch so our baby could be born.

The numbers of changes of the years that this little boy has gone through are amazing. The number of ways he is different than his big brother boggles the mind.

Preston, at 4, is still fighting using the bathroom consistently. He knows his letters and a lot of numbers (as in more than 1-10), but still isn’t sure how to spell his name and doesn’t like to write or color. He is obsessed with cars – matchbox/hot wheels, remote control cars, real cars. He can name car brands and models from a mile away. More than anything, when he is tired or upset, he needs his bear and juice and to lay on the couch with a blanket. He is my cuddle bug – still willing to sit with me and give hugs and kisses and dole out the ‘I love yous’ without a moment of hesitation. He is stubborn and independent and sweet and smart; he is sneaky and silly and talkative and loud. He is my love and heart, walking around outside my body. And today, he is 4.

The Many Faces of Preston

The Many Faces of Preston

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

slouchy September 1, 2009 at 8:16 pm

aww… happy birthday, little dude!
.-= slouchy´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Brothers =-.


Amanda September 1, 2009 at 8:17 pm

And he is edible!
.-= Amanda´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Ah-mo =-.


Kat September 1, 2009 at 8:32 pm

Happy Birthday, little man!
.-= Kat´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Innocent Questions =-.


flutter September 1, 2009 at 11:20 pm

He is SO adorable.
.-= flutter´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Vampires are hot =-.


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