Welcome to D.C.!

June 30, 2009 · 3 comments

(I actually received that message as a text from my cousin who leaves nearby – it was crazy because I got it right as we were getting settled in our hotel room!)

We planned on leaving early on Monday morning to get a good start and get into town before it got too late in the day.  The boys slept really well, so we were loathe to wake them, especially since Mike was still lazing around!  We finally got on the road around 8 or 8:30.  I’ll tell you this much…Ohio is BORING.  Pennsylvania is very pretty but mountainous and I get a little freaked out driving in them.   Not to mention, there was like a 90 mile stretch when we were on the turnpike and there wasn’t a Service Area (or whatever they call them! In MI, they are Rest Areas!) and we were ready…SO ready for a break!  But, we made it and it wasn’t horrible.  Matt even took a nice long nap; I dozed off a few times – mostly when Mike was driving, hehe.

Since it was rush hour-ish when we crossed into Maryland, there was a bit of a backup, but we got to the hotel pretty easily (passing right by the National Cathedral!).

Our hotel is gorgeous, and very intriguing to me.  It’s very old, but very up to date renovation-wise, but the way the room is setup makes me want to know what they used to look like.  We have a big main room, and even a balcony (overlooking nothing, sadly).  The odd thing is when you walk in the door, you curve to the left , down a short hall to get to the room.  To the immediate left, right inside the door, is the closet.  The closet has a lock on the inside of the door. Then, there is a little hallway to the right that has a door leading to the bathroom, and the end of the wall has a mirror.  Kind of a dressing area, but more like a hall.  I’d like to do some research on it, and hopefully find some pictures of it as it was originally.

The boys are fabulous, having a great time and being good. Unfortunately, they aren’t handling the heat very well. Today, we got up and planned to ride the Metro to the White House and check it out and see what else we could see around there.  Before we even plunged into the depths of the earth, the boys were starting to whine slightly about being tired and hot.

While we waited on the platform, Matt was alternately nervous and excited.  Preston was making me nervous moving too close to the edge.  When it finally arrived (not long, but it felt long since one left as we were walking up), we crammed ourselves in.

I always think it’s funny riding subways…you can always tell the difference between the people that do it day in and day out for work and the tourists.  We’re all smiling, excited and looking around; commuters are all in their own little worlds.  Nothing wrong with it, it’s just noticeable.

We did make it to the White House and I got a fabulous picture of the boys in front (in back?) of it.  I did have a moment of anger at the stupid people in this world that have made it difficult, rather, next to impossible, to get close to anything anymore.  The security, while impressive, is kind of annoying.  We even got to see protesters walking and chanting!! I’m still disappointed that we didn’t get to go on a tour – stupid Congressman.  But I’m glad we got to see it, even though it was through the fence and concrete barriers and secret service agents.

Since the boys, even after numerous breaks in the shade with drinks, were not going to make it ANY further, we hopped a cab and came back to the hotel. A little lunch and some pool time, and they were doing well again.  We actually got out of the pool right as they were closing it due to rain/storming.

With the rest of the afternoon ahead of us and knowing that many museums would close around 5, we decided to go to the Washington National Cathedral.

I took well over 100 pictures…I couldn’t breathe it all in, it was so astounding and amazing. The architecture, the scale, the meaning.  What a fantastic place.  I know the pictures, though many, won’t do it justice, but I sure gave it a try!

After the Cathedral, we actually drove around and ended up driving through Georgetown. By the time we were headed back to the hotel, Rock Creek Parkway was one way because of the time of day – how fun to be able to drive on the wrong side of the road because of rush hour traffic!!

Hot and sweaty once again, we went down to the pool bar to have some dinner and then hop in the water. Oddly, for the second time today, we were getting out just as the skies opened up and it started to downpour.

We’re having a great time and I’ll have a ton of pictures to share.  I’m loving D.C. so far – the history, the architecture, the people – who have been so friendly!  It’s honestly just SO nice to be away from home with no plans, no work, no major responsibilities.  I’m missing keeping up to date with all of you, but I’m still checking in here and there!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

AndreAnna July 1, 2009 at 10:49 am

Hope you continue to have a good time!
.-= AndreAnna´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..The Joys of Parenthood =-.


annettek July 3, 2009 at 7:20 am

I’m so glad you all are loving DC! It’s such fun place and there’s just so much to see and do. Whenever I see a post like this it makes me miss living there some. Hope the rest of your vacation is fantastic!
.-= annettek´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..bummer =-.


MammaLoves July 7, 2009 at 11:54 am

I used to live in a hovel of an apartment right across the street from the Cathedral. Isn’t it amazing? We had a session of a sketchbook class there and I could have stayed for weeks.

I’m glad you had a good time!! Though I wish I could have hooked up with you guys.
.-= MammaLoves´s last [bit of blogging genius] ..Very Superstitious =-.


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