Mom {Potty} – 0, Preston – 1

April 22, 2009 · 3 comments

Preston and I have been talking about him getting on the pot, er, potty training, that is, for the past couple of weeks.  He randomly allows me to read potty books and talk about using the potty. He still adamantly refuses to go though.  A couple days ago he seemed more interested than usual, so I asked if he wanted to use pull-ups or wear underwear like Matt.  He was pretty excited about underwear, even throwing out the names of the characters he wanted to grace his little booty.  So we made plans that this morning we would go buy potty prizes and make a chart and buy underwear.

It went well.  We now have a bunch of chosen underwear and a Potty Prize Box full of cars and trucks. He tried on a pair of underwear when we got home – he liked it, but didn’t want to keep it on (I told him we would wash them all, first, so no big deal).  We discussed whether he wanted to use the big toilet or his chosen potty chair and where we would put it.  We discussed when to start using the potty.

“I’ll start when my face looks like Matt’s” is what he told me.

Um, can anyone tell me WHAT THAT MEANS???  Is he just super smart and knows that it never will be exactly the same as his big brother’s and it’s the perfect way of procrastination? Or does it mean something that I just don’t get??

Either way, Mom and the Potty – 0 Preston – 1

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Clara April 22, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Maybe he means when he gets as old as Matt? Hahaha… Good luck! I’m going to try this summer with my soon to be 2 year old… that should be interesting… Jessica caught on fast (at 2 1/2)… I’m sure Jonathan won’t be as fast??? hahaha!


Thea April 22, 2009 at 4:30 pm

The way I trained Bug was to put him in undies and make him sit on the potty every 15 minutes for 5 minutes or until he went. We did that for about a day and a half before he started to recognize the needing to go feeling. By the end of the 2nd day, he was almost totally accident free.

He was 3 – I think waiting until he was older made all the difference in the ease-factor. Had him trained, aside from timing accidents and night time, in just a weekend.

Good luck!!


liv April 22, 2009 at 4:56 pm

yeah. potty training. i have a 3.5 year old who makes at least one potty accident a day. she’s less than interested in going. GRRRR!

livs last blog post..tag: the truth.


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