Monday Writing Prompt #1!

September 22, 2008 · 4 comments

I’ve seen these…well, every Monday that I visit  Absolutely Bananas…

I decided it was time to jump on the bandwagon (or join the carnival, or whatever these things are called) and do a Monday Writing Prompt.  Woohoo!  If you want to play, head on over and get yourself a nifty little button and she’ll add you to the list of bloggers playing.  🙂

I honestly didn’t realize that other people said “I’m your MOTHER, not your (fill in blank)!”  I say it to Matt all the time.  My blank filler is personal assistant. [ I want to use the word slave, but geez, then I have to deal with the negative connotations of that, not to mention explain to the kid what it means. Thanks, but I’ll leave that little tidbit of our history up to his teachers!]

Come to think of it, I think I most often say “DUDE. I am NOT your PERSONAL ASSISTANT!”

Matt is famous for being lazy around these parts.  He wants juice. He wants chocolate milk. He wants a toy, a car, paper, crayons, world peace, a trip to the moon, or whatever and he wants it right then. He’s also been known to say “make it snappy!” (which actually cracks me up when I walk away from him!).

I’m not sure if my mom ever said anything like that to me.  She was well known for using the “Because I said so!” and “I’m your Mother, THAT’S WHY!”.  (And of course, I use those phrases now, even though I always said I never would).

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Honey Mommy September 22, 2008 at 3:19 pm

That’s too funny! Sounds a lot like my little boy… except instead of “make it snappy” he says “Today!” The way he says it just cracks me up.

Honey Mommys last blog post..If it’s Not Broken, I Probably Didn’t Touch It.


Kat September 22, 2008 at 3:49 pm

I think I would laugh out loud if my boys said “make it snappy!” But I am sure over time it is not as cute 🙂

Kats last blog post..dirty little secret


HeatherY September 22, 2008 at 7:44 pm

Too funny! My little girl hasn’t started that yet but I’m sure she will. Very cute.


Auds at Barking Mad September 22, 2008 at 7:53 pm

I think, if any of my kids told me to “make it snappy” my head would whip around so fast out of pure shock that I’d suffer from whiplash. Of course, I have heard the occasional “shake a leg” but I could swear they were talking to the dog…well, they better have been! 😀

Auds at Barking Mads last blog post..The Place I Call Home


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