3 falls and he’s out!

September 18, 2008 · 4 comments

Poor Preston.  He started out sleeping in until 10 this morning (he has a cold, so he definitely needed it!)  We had a good morning, running a couple errands and such. Then he wanted to come home and take a nap (for the record, my boys both stopped napping prior to their 2nd birthdays).  Once we got home, he changed his mind and we went outside to play instead.

This leads us to fall #1 – while playing on his big wheel (or as they call them, motorcycles), he decided to go against all advice and do a wheelie.  Well, folks, the laws of gravity are pretty specific and when you put a 50 pound boy on a three wheeled object where two wheels and weight of said boy are on the back and there is one skinny little wheel in the front and motion is of the backward variety, small boys are bound to land on their heads.  Commence crying and screaming and slightly bumpy red head.

Fall #2 was while the kids were all playing at the school playground.  The drop from bottom of the “crazy” slide to the ground is pretty far, especially since the mulch has been displaced from a whole lot of playing. That time he landed hard on his butt.  Commence crying.

Fall#3 was right before the boys went to bed – however it happened, Preston ended up landing on his head for the second time today.  Commence screaming, crying and major freaking out.

After some cuddling and holding of bear and guinea pigs and drinking juice, he was fine and off to bed.

I swear, there is nothing worse than seeing my boys get hurt and not be able to wave my magic wand and make it all better.


I don’t HAVE a magic wand!!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

WaltzInExile September 18, 2008 at 11:33 pm

Ollivander’s still behind, huh?


AndreAnna September 19, 2008 at 7:58 am

Poor little guy! I always hate to see Charlotte fall and get hurt, but it usually looks worse than it is. Mike handles her in pain even worse.

Glad he’s okay!

AndreAnnas last blog post..Spinning


Shine September 19, 2008 at 1:30 pm

I would LOVE a magic wand as well, to help punkin pie’s day go a little better and maybe to use on hubby so he’s not so high strung sometimes!!


bejewell September 19, 2008 at 10:52 pm

I’m rubbing my head right now in sympathy.

The blog is looking GREAT, BTW.

bejewells last blog post..You Know You Do It Too


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