Oh, Aaron Sorkin, where are you?!

February 12, 2008 · 6 comments

(Ok, I really don’t care where he is and I’m truly not worried about him, but…)


That is all.


I finished watching the last 4 episodes of Studio 60 last night; Mike watched tonight. The man (Sorkin, not Mike – hehe) has such a way with words and characters, it just excites me.  I know a lot of people don’t like his style – he uses big words and his characters talk fast, like real people often do – and that can be intimidating, or something.  But those 3 shows were fabulous. I have Sports Night on my iPod, West Wing will soon be on Apple Tv and I’ll probably get Studio 60, too.  If you haven’t seen any of those shows, do yourself a favor and watch. Start with Sports Night – it’s not really so much about sports; and then watch West Wing – I have long wished that President Bartlett could be real and our president.


I finally, FINALLY, got my coffee cup cozy pattern figured out! For something so damn simple, it sure took me long enough to get it perfect! I kept making them too small, but tonight? Tonight I figured it out and I’m rockin’ it! I’ll share some pics soon.  Plus, I’ve been making some tissue holders and more bags. Tomorrow I’ll finish up my “Try to get your mind off the super-long surgery and the fact that we’re sitting around the hospital all day” bag for my aunt and uncle.  Nothing major, just a bag with a couple coffee cozies, a couple tissue holders with tissues, bottles of water, chocolate, deck of cards, and some puzzle books and pencils.  I know it won’t keep their mind off the surgery, but if I can distract them for a little while, it will be worth it.


The boys are fighting sleep this week. Not sure what the deal is, but Matt hasn’t been to bed before 10 in 3 days. Tonight, Preston joined him in the playing and screaming and driving of cars all over the family room until finally I put my foot down and said GO TO BED! And they did.

Yeah, right. But with some coercion, we finally got them into bed. Now, if I could just get myself to bed…

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Jennifer February 14, 2008 at 2:26 am

He did make good shows. WHERE is he??


Above Average Joe February 14, 2008 at 6:16 am

I loved Sportsnight. Especially the girl who is now on Desperate Housewives.


Jennifer February 14, 2008 at 8:26 am

He did make good shows. WHERE is he??


Above Average Joe February 14, 2008 at 12:16 pm

I loved Sportsnight. Especially the girl who is now on Desperate Housewives.


amanda February 15, 2008 at 10:18 am

My adoration for Aaron Sorkin is second only to my sweetness on Bradley Whitford (all respect to my husband).


amanda February 15, 2008 at 4:18 pm

My adoration for Aaron Sorkin is second only to my sweetness on Bradley Whitford (all respect to my husband).


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