The birthday that wouldn’t end

August 21, 2007 · 8 comments

Here it is, nearly after eleven and the birthday boy is fighting sleep like you wouldn’t believe.  I appreciate not wanting the day to end, but man, I’m ready for the day to end!

After a 40 minute struggle with P to go to bed (he started so well – he even climbed the stairs on his own to go read books in bed!).  After the books (during which I was sleeping on and off), some hide-n-seek behind his pillow and under his blanket, the finishing of his juice, some playtime with the Twilight (star) turtle, the near-crying to go back downstairs (him, not me) and the soft, but admittedly horribly off-key singing of a couple of songs, he finally snuggled in and fell asleep.  Phew.  :)  So I actually was a little surprised to find M still wide awake!

I, on the other hand, am NOT wide awake at this point.  I truly could have stayed in P’s bed with him and slept quite soundly.  And how convenient when he wakes up in a few hours! 😉

Tomorrow brings Matt’s 4 year visit with the ped. (or in our case, NP Emily).  And perhaps a trip to Home Depot for a new screen/storm door, as ours has been systematically destroyed by kids and very large puppy.  The glass part is ok, but the screen frame is bent beyond repair and I really want one that has the self-storing screen/window (like my cousin’s – thanks, friend!).  Hopefully that will keep said puppy from trying to go through the screen when people walk up.  I can dream, can’t I?

Speaking of my cuz, I’m gathering up some trucks and cars for her daughter who is lacking in such things and of which I have an over-abundance.  I’m wanting to go through all of the boys’ toys and make a donation to some local charities who will put them to better use than sitting forlornly in my basement.  The problem? Matt has an emotional attachment to everything we have in our house, and like many young kids, assures me that he will play with anything I find.  I’m trying to explain charity and giving to others, but he hasn’t quite grasped the concept of giving his own stuff away in the name of helping.  Now, ask him to pick something out, buy it and give it away? Not a problem.  He’s about halfway there, so I’ll quietly and secretly donate things and hope he never notices.  Otherwise, I see white lies in my future.  Oy.  Reminds me of this article I read recently in Wondertime.

oooh, I think he fell asleep on the couch.  Thank goodness!

The funniest part? This time 4 years ago? He wasn’t even born yet!!  :D  Though, at this point they were probably prepping me for surgery.  18 hours of labor, never dilated past 6. Some things don’t work out the way you think, but it certainly doesn’t change the final outcome.  At 11:44 pm, our lives changed forever and completely.  And as Matt likes to be assured, he will always be my baby.

Happy Birthday, baby.  Sweet dreams.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Tab August 22, 2007 at 1:00 am

An Idea I do with Alexis… When I am going through toys she rarely plays with (She never wants to get rid of ANYTHING either…) I get all of one item (her case baby dolls) and I say, \"Ok, there is 10 babies… You can pick out 5 and we will give another little girl that doesnt have any babies the other 5… I then let her pick out the 5 she wants the most, and bag the other 5 right then. Then I go on to the next item… She loves giving somebody something as long as she can keep some herself. You might try that.


slackermommy August 22, 2007 at 2:25 am

Awww, I love how you wrapped up this post.


Tab August 22, 2007 at 8:00 am

An Idea I do with Alexis… When I am going through toys she rarely plays with (She never wants to get rid of ANYTHING either…) I get all of one item (her case baby dolls) and I say, “Ok, there is 10 babies… You can pick out 5 and we will give another little girl that doesnt have any babies the other 5… I then let her pick out the 5 she wants the most, and bag the other 5 right then. Then I go on to the next item… She loves giving somebody something as long as she can keep some herself. You might try that.


tabba August 22, 2007 at 5:15 am

awwww…the ending to this post was supa-schweet 🙂


slackermommy August 22, 2007 at 9:25 am

Awww, I love how you wrapped up this post.


tabba August 22, 2007 at 12:15 pm

awwww…the ending to this post was supa-schweet 🙂


Michelle August 28, 2007 at 8:03 am

Oh my, such an awful cuz, responding so late to your awfully sweet prospect of giving my girls some trucks. Please don\'t do anything that will make your boy sad. We are grateful for anything, but also just grateful for you…no trucks needed. xoxoxo


Michelle August 28, 2007 at 3:03 pm

Oh my, such an awful cuz, responding so late to your awfully sweet prospect of giving my girls some trucks. Please don’t do anything that will make your boy sad. We are grateful for anything, but also just grateful for you…no trucks needed. xoxoxo


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