Just another perfect evening

July 27, 2007 · 6 comments

….oh, wait, I was dreaming for a moment!

Now I’m awake.

And so are my boys.  Both of them.

My handy little clock in the corner of my screen says it is now 9:55 PM.

Preston is scratching his hands across the fabric of the ottoman and enjoying the odd noise it is creating.  Matt is finally sitting still watching a Leap Frog dvd in the playroom.  This after 20 minutes of me trying to read to the both of them while Matt was actually playing with Maggie and laughing hysterically.  He rarely wants to play with her, but tonight? He can’t get enough of her.  Don’t get me wrong – I am glad they were playing together.  I just would have preferred it to be in the middle of the afternoon, not after bedtime!

For the record, when I got home from the bank a little before 6:00 (nearly 4 hours ago, for those of you keeping track at home), they were both barely hanging on. Sleep was imminent.  Tantrums were fast and furious; it didn’t look like either of them would make it into pajamas.

Can you say second wind? Seriously, what the heck???!?

Mike is out for his monthly Guys Night Out and I was secretly hoping (because really, you don’t say those things out loud) that the boys would hit the sack early.  There is a piece of Ultimate Chocolate Chocolate Cake just waiting for me (do you hear it calling my name?) and I was going to veg out to some nice mindless television. (What Not To Wear x2!) By myself.  Full remote control control.  Crumbs on my lap and chocolate on my face.

Instead, I am taking a break from my ‘where-in-the-name-of-all-that-is-Holy-did-they-find-more-energy’ kids and whining to you.

I could clean up.

I could do some (more) laundry.

I could exercise….discover the cure to cancer….solve all the world’s problems… oh, wait, forget those last 2.  I’m only one little person sitting in a dim room willing my boys to discover how tired they really are.  😉

It’s now 10:10 PM (thanks little clock!).  P is in my lap; things are looking good.  Cake and quiet might be mine soon!!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

<![CDATA[liv]]&gt July 27, 2007 at 3:17 pm

ha. one of those nights. well, i have them here, too. peep made it to bed at 8:15, and d was my straggler, as usual. finally, it\'s 10:16 and i might get some tub time. just remember, you could be me—this could be your night all by yourself with crazy kids, every night!!


July 27, 2007 at 10:17 pm

ha. one of those nights. well, i have them here, too. peep made it to bed at 8:15, and d was my straggler, as usual. finally, it’s 10:16 and i might get some tub time. just remember, you could be me—this could be your night all by yourself with crazy kids, every night!!


<![CDATA[pgoodnes July 28, 2007 at 2:28 am

Oy, sorry – you are so right. You win. 🙂


July 28, 2007 at 9:28 am

Oy, sorry – you are so right. You win. 🙂


<![CDATA[mcewen]] July 29, 2007 at 8:37 am

Now that sounds like my kind of existence [if only]. Best wishes, [visiting from Madness, Madness, I say]


July 29, 2007 at 3:37 pm

Now that sounds like my kind of existence [if only].
Best wishes, [visiting from Madness, Madness, I say]


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