Bear, juice, couch, blanket

July 17, 2007 · 4 comments

Preston is hilarious when he gets sleepy or just needs a break.  Today he took it a step further and cracked us all up when he said everything very clearly and quickly.  I’m going to try to get it on video one of these days, but I’m not sure if it’ll ever happen.  So when he needs a break or is tired, he needs his blanket (bank), his juice (iss), his bear (er…bear), and the couch (couch – same word, really fast so all the letters are really squished together).  Once he gets up on the couch, he confirms that he has everything he needs and giggles in the cutest way doing it.  🙂

Are there things you need when you get cranky or sleepy?  I’m guessing we all have things, but they probably aren’t as easy to define as Preston has.

I need different things depending on what’s going on.

For a migraine, I need my bed, super-soft squishy pillows and darkness.

After a day of dealing with cranky kids, I need my laptop, a book, some junk food and some mindless television. And the couch.

After dealing with crappy work stuff (read: bills, money and the like), I need a Smirnoff Ice or glass of wine, to vent, and to let it go.

Sometimes, I just need some down time; some time alone. And then I need a cheesy tv show or movie, or a good cheesy romance novel, some music and, well, time alone.

Most of the time, though, I need those super sweet hugs and kisses from my boys. No matter the problem, those are pure magic.


In other news….

I totally indulged in the craziness that is mass consumerism and bought myself one of these.  Is it the coolest thing ever? I have to give it a resounding


I am a sucker, or a visionary, or a techno-geek.  Whatever the case may be or whatever you think, I’m cool and you’re not!   😛

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

<![CDATA[jen]]&gt July 17, 2007 at 5:33 pm

now THAT is a phone. and i am with you on the super secret comfort tools.


July 18, 2007 at 12:33 am

now THAT is a phone. and i am with you on the super secret comfort tools.


<![CDATA[Shine]]& July 18, 2007 at 1:50 pm

Am I surprised you got and i-Phone? No. But what took you so long? 😛


July 18, 2007 at 8:50 pm

Am I surprised you got and i-Phone? No. But what took you so long? 😛


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