A real mom blogs while waiting for her kid to go to bed

March 26, 2007 · 8 comments

I wasn’t specifically tagged for it, but I’ve read a few posts now that deal with what a Real Mom is, so I’ve been thinking about it. Here are my thoughts on what makes a real mom:

A real mom:

  • Isn’t afraid to admit that she needs a few minutes (hours, days…) away from her children.
  • Isn’t afraid to cry when her baby hurts or says something fantastically adorable
  • Isn’t afraid to sing out loud (or loudly) the theme to The Backyardigans, stomp around to We Are The Dinosaurs, freeze during a JoJo song or do the Hot Dog dance with her kids. Or alone. 😀
  • Knows and even appreciates that all mothers don’t mother like she does. A real mom knows that every mom is doing the best she can with the knowledge, support and information she has.
  • Tries her best not to judge, based on above.
  • Can get up in the middle of the night, get fresh juice, change a diaper and crawl back into her own bed without ever really opening her eyes.
  • Can soothe tears with a silly voice, belly kisses and squishy hugs
  • Will put up with watching the same movie or tv show a gazillion times just to avoid the screaming, crying breakdown that comes with turning something else on or off.
  • Knows that even though she needs to lose some weight, if she gets rid of her belly, her son probably won’t think she’s such a comfy pillow.
  • Has the ability to have a complete conversation with their child while others stare and say “What the heck did he just say?!?”
  • May not remember all of the little milestones that happen in her childrens’ lives, but always remembers the feeling of seeing him for the first time, the sound of his laughter and the feel of his little arms around her neck.
  • Laughs, even though she shouldn’t, when her kids do something totally inappropriate or say something really wrong.
  • Has really good intentions but can’t always follow through. (Smiley face sandwiches? A special craft or art project every day? Baths on schedule, teeth brushed, in bed on time…. the list goes on and on!)
  • Doesn’t mind when her 3 year old wants a girly stuffed animal and buys pink Sketchers for it
  • Verbally disciplines neighbor kids without even thinking about it.
  • Can check email, make dinner, play with the kids and do laundry all at the same time.
  • Isn’t bothered by paint on t-shirts, mud / dog poop on shoes or sand in hair
  • Enjoys a good fort as much as her kids
  • Is annoyed by all of the WHY questions that come out of her kid’s mouth.
  • Knows that sometimes she just doesn’t have the energy to make everything a learning situation.
  • Understands that the frustration she feels sometimes is no where near the love she feels all the time
  • Believes that getting out of the house for a hair cut or even grocery shopping is the equivalent to a mini-vacation and comes home refreshed and revived.
  • Is happy and surprised when her own mom says she is such a good mother
  • Truly believes that eating junk food some days is better than the kid not eating anything at all
  • Actually do spit on a napkin or lick their fingers and wipe their kids’ faces or try to stick down crazy hair. Especially if they said they would never do that
  • Fall asleep on the couch when the kids get up waaayyy too early and want to watch tv

Boy, that got a bit longer than I anticipated! Well, there you go. There are my thoughts about real moms, of which I am one. How about you? Perhaps a real dad blog for some of you? 😀

ETA: The link above has a ton of these, but I wanted to share this one that I totally identified with, too.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

<![CDATA[Adwina - March 28, 2007 at 12:16 am

What a list! Check out my opinion about Real Moms <a href=\"http://insparenting.com/297/real-moms/\" rel=\"nofollow\">here…</a> Have a great day!


March 28, 2007 at 6:16 am

What a list!

Check out my opinion about Real Moms here…

Have a great day!


<![CDATA[BOSSY]]& March 29, 2007 at 6:41 am

Real Moms try desperately to read down a very long list of how pgoodness describes a Real Mom, but inevitably they are interrupted five hundred times by their pesky kids who are home from school due to an \"inservice day\" even though Bossy hasn\'t a clue what that is except to think she wants one of her own.


March 29, 2007 at 12:41 pm

Real Moms try desperately to read down a very long list of how pgoodness describes a Real Mom, but inevitably they are interrupted five hundred times by their pesky kids who are home from school due to an “inservice day” even though Bossy hasn’t a clue what that is except to think she wants one of her own.


<![CDATA[jen]]&gt March 29, 2007 at 5:14 pm

perfect. i love the one about our moms telling us we are diong a good job.


March 29, 2007 at 11:14 pm

perfect. i love the one about our moms telling us we are diong a good job.


<![CDATA[Shine]]& April 1, 2007 at 5:04 am

Great list! Yes it\'s true, I think we all need to be a little less judgemental about each other\'s parenting skills (even if we keep it to ourselves!) because really, we are parenting with little or no instruction ourselves!


April 1, 2007 at 12:04 pm

Great list! Yes it’s true, I think we all need to be a little less judgemental about each other’s parenting skills (even if we keep it to ourselves!) because really, we are parenting with little or no instruction ourselves!


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