Ice Ice Baby!

February 9, 2007 · 2 comments

Now there’s a throw back song! Heard it on my way home from playing out in the real world for a little while tonight. (Speaking of playing, hubby got a new toy that gives him the ability to look around within the flight simulator game as if he’s actually in the plane while he’s flying. Very cool, a little freaky and only in my house!! My man, admittedly, is a Flight Sim DORK. I need to take a picture of him).

Anyway, I hit Michael’s (couldn’t find my fabric measuring tape anywhere, have to turn in measurements by tomorrow for my bridesmaid dress!!). Ran into Ikea to get a display thing for my chains for work – and get this, talk about fate or whatever, I ran into one of Matt’s old teachers from when he went to TutorTime!! Perhaps you’ll remember Nikki, whom Matt and I both really liked. Well, there I am, in Ikea and we both see each other and stop! She immediately asks how Matt is and then tells me where she is now. Turns out she’s in a smaller daycare, family owned instead of franchised, and is the assistant director as well! It’s a little further away than the old one, but it certainly is worth looking at again, especially since Matt seriously seems bored and fiesty at home these days. And they offer a preschool program. Was this the sign I was waiting for?

And then I hit Target, for no other reason than to wander around and pick up a few odds and ends. On the way home I sprayed off the car to get rid of some of the nasty salt (can you say FREEZING?!).

Did I mention that the boys were in bed by 6:40pm? A bit strange, but given the day and the tantrums Matt was throwing around like confetti at a parade, we were pretty damn excited to have time to ourselves before 7!!

Tomorrow we head to Sesame Street Live: Super Grover!! Should be fun; keep fingers crossed Matt is happy and doesn’t flip out for whatever reason. Terrible twos…..WHATEVER. Trying Threes is more like it!!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

<![CDATA[flutterc February 10, 2007 at 9:48 am

isn\'t it so cool to run into someonw who\'s had such a positive impact on the munchkins?


February 10, 2007 at 4:48 pm

isn’t it so cool to run into someonw who’s had such a positive impact on the munchkins?


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