I Will Survive

January 28, 2007 · 0 comments

(Gloria Gaynor/John Debney)

Got the mattress for P’s new bed today. His bedroom, though lacking a paint job and decorative touches, is coming together nicely. Tomorrow a trip to BabiesRUs for bedrails (sure would be easier to use Matt’s old ones, but we’re fairly sure it would (will?) cause either (a) a desire for his rails to be up again or (b) an adverse reaction to Preston getting his rails. So, unless I can figure out a way around it tomorrow, a trip to the RUs will be in order. Also, some cleaning and organizing of his clothes and stuff is on the agenda so the transfer from baby room to toddler room is smooth.   We’re going for a sports theme in his room, so a coat of paint and some other stuff will happen – someday….

Visited with my mom and step sister and brother and his wife today.  My stepdad showed up eventually, so we got some family bonding time in before the big surgery on Wednesday.  Things are very tense and stressful over there. Understandably.  I was glad that he got to see the boys for a little while; they always seem to brighten his life a little.  Might ask mom to come over on Tuesday for awhile to get her mind off everything.  Playtime with the boys can do wonders – I mean, it’s next to impossible to think of anything else with those two screaming and playing and being so silly!!  😀

P. is screaming already.  Only been asleep over an hour.  Starting to get concerned that his right ear is bothering him.  Another trip to the doctor??? Say it ain’t so!!!

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