28 minutes of me time

November 20, 2006 · 0 comments

28 full and complete minutes of time to myself. I am shocked and amazed to say that for those 28 minutes, I thought of nothing but myself. Seriously. Me. I went for a run (walk) and did not once think about the kids, the dogs, the man, the office (shocking after my day!) or anything besides my stride, my clothes and my music. Ahhhh…nice. 😀

28 minutes worked out to 2 min walk, 3 min run, 2 min walk, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 5 min run, 2 min walk, 4 min run, 4 min walk, cooling down and stretching. I may have been able to run more, but I want to ease into it. No use quitting before I get going, eh? I did learn that the coat I wore was too big (bulky, hot), that my lungs are not used to cold air (it’s about 35 degrees out), and that the colander incident of 2006 (of which I cannot find a link) has caused my left foot to be slightly sore.  BUT, I ran and walked and feel pretty durn good! (Wait, except for the coughing right now…is that normal?) So there we go!  😀

Matt was hilarious today – he was totally crazy ALL DAY, sprinting around (he even makes race car noises now which is so funny!), talking a mile a minute nonstop and just being all around silly.  Of course, when he crashed, he crashed HARD. Tonight’s meltdown was brought to us courtesy of packing peanuts – he wanted to play with them, I said no.  Oy.

Random thought: David Blaine is a freak of nature.

Random thought #2: Good employees are hard to find, especially in a customer service based industry.

Random thought #3: I’m very bothered by not finding the link to the colander incident blog.  Hmmm…..

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