Just another manic Monday

May 1, 2006 · 0 comments

Phew. 10:11pm and I’m just getting caught up. Still dishes and clean up to do around the house, not to mention the rabbit-like laundry (I swear it multiplies when I’m not looking!), but I’m done for the day. Just got home from the gym and got cleaned up. Something had always been strange to me about taking a shower before bed, but now that I’m the mama, it’s definitely the easiest way to go. Anyway, here I am.

  • Today’s Workout
  • * 20 minutes on the treadmill – 12 minutes walking at 3.7 speed, 8 minutes running at 3.9 speed. I used one that has these odd treads on it and kept tripping over my own feet. It was frustrating as hell. The only thing that saved my attitude was seeing someone else trip on her treadmill as I walked by. πŸ˜€
    * 15 minutes in the pool. I did some tricep dips and crunches in the water, hehe. The pool is awesome because it starts at 0’0″ and gently slopes to 4’something.
    * 5 minutes in the spa. Ahhhhhh……

    So, here I am, as previously stated. πŸ˜‰ P. turned 8 months old today. Of course, I took pictures and I will get them posted, but I’ve been busy today! Being a Monday, the boys and I hung out at home. We played some trains, played some music, ate some food, Preston chased Matt around on his little tractor, crawling as fast as his chubby legs could move him, and P. practiced standing. He’s getting pretty good. He really just started pulling up a few days ago and he’s already an old pro. He’s got his eye on the stairs, so it’s about time to get the gates out again . I’ll miss the freedom. Again. But of course, safety first! We actually didn’t have to leave the gates up long with Matt – at least going up the stairs – as soon as he could come down on his own, we took them off. Back on they go!
    We trying new foods with P these days. Honestly, and I’m sure this will sound horrible, but I’m pretty tired of the bottles and I am so bored with jars of food. And really, I don’t think P is crazy about them either. It’s funny that we still give him so many bottles. It simply boils down to laziness and being busy. I hate fighting to strap him in the highchair to feed him, and he’s too busy to want to. So, out come the bottles. But today! Today was different! πŸ™‚ He had some Mac & Cheese, turkey, cottage cheese, rice and salmon today. LOL. Of course, he got more on him than in him, but it was a start. And I swear his eyes were saying thank you when he saw he could eat on his own. πŸ˜›

    Matt had to have a time out tonight. He decided it would be ok to not only smack his brother in the head, but to throw his tractor. πŸ™ Ugh. So, he gets put in his room for 2.5 minutes and then when we go to get him, he doesn’t want to come out. Which truthfully is fine with me. I think it’s great that he knows when he needs some down/alone time. A few minutes later he came down and said tearfully ‘I don’t want a time out’. Man, is he cute. So I tried to explain to him the concept again, and what does he do? Says he wants to go back and runs up to his room. :-O Odd kid, that son of mine.

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